You may be entitled to a total and permanent disability claim or an income protection claim to receive disability insurance. This is also known as "Total and Permanent Disability," "Total and Temporary Disability" and "Income Protection and Salary Continuance."
With disability claim compensation, it is important to understand that the injury or illness does not have to be caused within the workplace.
At Adams McWilliams Solicitors, we are experienced in total and permanent disability (TPD) claims and can help you understand your rights and get you the compensation that you are due.
Total and Permanent Disability Insurance provides a lump sum payment to somebody that has suffered injury or illness and is permanently prevented from returning to work, education or training.
What is Total and Temporary Disability Insurance (TTD)?
Total and Temporary Disability Insurance provides a monthly payment where a person, due to injury or illness, is prevented from returning to work within their usual occupation. This also applies if they have to reduce their usual hours of work.
Life insurance provides a lump sum payment when a person is diagnosed with a critical or terminal illness or dies.
Disability insurance is usually found through your superannuation fund. However, it may also be found outside of superannuation, under an individual insurance plan. Contact us for a free, no obligation investigation into your disability insurance entitlements or your superannuation.
Whether you are eligible to make a claim for disability insurance or disability pension depends on your insurance policy and individual circumstances. We can request documents on your behalf and conduct a free investigation into your disability insurance entitlements.
You are not required to have a lawyer to make a disability pension or insurance claim, however the process of lodging a disability insurance claim is complex and you may require assistance to secure compensation.
We are able to answer your questions with a high degree of accuracy as a result of our experience. Contact our staff today by calling 1300 426 676 (1300 4 COMPO)
Head Office: Cairns
Street Address: The Bolands Centre, 14 Spence St. Cairns Queensland
Postal Address: PO Box 6505 Cairns Queensland 4870
Phone 1300 426 676
You can also enquire using our online enquiry form - Click here to make an online enquiry.
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